Microsofti Onedrive is file sharing platform in Geo S.T.
Onedrive link will be shared to Client email according to agreement. Secure Code will be send to the same Client email address when opening this link.
Important! If you forward this link to someone else and he or she will open the link then the security code will be send again to the original client email box. In case, when you know that this job will be downloaded by multiple persons, then you should communicate this accordingly. Then the job will be shared to multiple email addresses. Detailed action steps are described below.
1. Notification about sharing can look similar like below picture or it can be just like regular link: .
2. Click “Open” või on the link. Next browser window will look like below:
3. Click “Send Code”, the security code will be send to the client email box.
4. Security code must be copied to previous browser window.
5. Click “Verify” and shared content will be available for download.